Albert Hsu advises clients on economic and trade policy issues, including complex methodologies employed by the U.S. Department of Commerce in antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) proceedings.
Mr. Hsu served with distinction at the Commerce Department for over three decades. He began his career as an Economist in the Office of Policy for the Enforcement and Compliance (“E&C”) Unit of the International Trade Administration. He was subsequently promoted to Senior Economist, and ultimately to Chief Economist.
Mr. Hsu served as a resource on China’s economic system and S.L.E.D. policies, as well as an in-house consultant on difficult or novel analytical problems and policy issues in AD/CVD proceedings, FTA and BIT negotiations, WTO and OECD working groups, CIT and CAFC litigation, and bilateral technical exchanges. These issues included CVD and NMEs, uncreditworthy loan benchmarks, debt-equity swaps, the application of national treatment principles to MEs, exchange rates, tax pass-through, sampling, launch aid and lumber, energy pricing, CGE studies, PMS and NME determinations. Mr. Hsu regularly briefed the Assistant Secretary, and sometimes the Under Secretary, and gave talks to academic and business audiences and foreign government officials and experts.
Before joining Commerce, Mr. Hsu worked as an actuarial assistant in the corporate accounting offices of a large life insurance company, where he priced operating and capital leases.
- Columbia University, B.A., Economics/Philosophy
- University of Michigan, Ph.D., Economics
Government Service
Chief Economist, Office of Policy, Enforcement and Compliance Unit, International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce
- English